Community Facilities Program Disaster Repair Grants
Funding TypeGrant
Grantor Agency
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Grant Range
# of Awards Available
Programmatic AreaCommunity Development
Programmatic AreaDisaster Prevention & Relief
Deadline rolling
Match Required?
Eligible EntitiesCity or township governments. Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education. Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification). County governments. Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized).
Focus AreaGrants will be provided to eligible applicants to repair eligible essential community facilities damaged by Presidentially Declared Disasters that occurred in calendar year 2022. This program provides up to $50 million in grant funding to eligible public bodies, non-profits, and Federally-recognized tribes. Grants may cover up to 75% of total project cost. There is no minimum or maximum award amount.
ContactSurabhi Dabir, Phone: 202 768-5875, Email:
Link to Opportunity
CDFA Number
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