Thriving rural communities contributing to a thriving Texas.

Texas Rural Funders is the leading membership organization for philanthropy dedicated to rural Texas and a trusted partner and connector for rural communities.
Why Rural?
It’s hard to overestimate the importance of rural Texas to our past, present, and future. Rural land doesn’t just make up 85% of our state-- it’s the heart of our culture, economy, and quality of life. As we like to say, “Your food is not grown in the HEB parking lot.” All Texans depend on rural communities for food, fiber, and fuel. Simply put, a thriving future for Texas is contingent on the well-being of its rural communities.
Rural communities, however, face a growing number of challenges that threaten their long-term success. Rapid population growth across Texas, urban sprawl, and ever-increasing demands on land and water resources put constant pressure on rural Texas. High-quality education, economic development, employment, healthcare, and infrastructure—the building-blocks all communities need to thrive—are more difficult to secure in sparsely populated areas. As a result, rural communities trail other parts of the state in measures of long-term well-being.
With the rapid urbanization of our state, less information and political attention is currently focused on rural Texas than in past decades. TRF provides funders a unique opportunity and responsibility to raise up and amplify rural voices.

Why Rural Texas Matters
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