We are a membership organization that helps funders build knowledge about, generate attention and resources toward, and engage in collaborative action for rural Texas.
What We Do
Our Work
Texas is big, and the challenges facing rural Texas are complex and rooted in nearly two centuries of history. We know that the well-being of urban and rural communities is inextricably linked, and that the two must grow together for our state to succeed. TRF provides an opportunity for philanthropic organizations to contribute to systemic change that can impact rural communities across Texas.
TRF provides support for cross-sector issues that broadly impact rural communities across the state. We focus on issues that:
Require or produce authentic community engagement in towns, counties and regions,
Directly address rural community-identified priorities,
Can be significantly improved only through a collective approach,
Offer the potential to be replicated in other parts of rural Texas
Leverage partnerships forged by TRF
Broadband & Digital Connection
Digital resources and opportunities are still out of reach for many rural Texans.
Texas Rural Funders began supporting rural broadband efforts in 2018. The COVID-19 crisis clearly highlighted the disparities rural communities face in accessing high-speed internet for remote learning, work, and healthcare. We saw the need to adopt an even bolder strategy:
Texas Tribune Partnership & The Future of Rural Texas Symposium
The Future of Rural Texas symposium brings together legislators, local officials, and Texans statewide to discuss the issues that impact rural Texas. Texas Rural Funders created this signature biennial event in partnership with Texas Tribune in 2018.
The 2022 program brought together The Texas Tribune and industry experts, community leaders and local lawmakers from across Texas in person and online. The program examined hard realities for rural Texans and brought forward success stories from rural communities with thoughtful panel conversations, one-on-one interviews, discussions and more.
Rural Symposium
The focus on rural Texas is essential. The combination of elected officials, community stakeholders and diversity of viewpoints was great.
The topics were all extremely relevant and revealing about the current state of Texas. It was extremely well-organized, interesting, and meaningful.