Texas Rural Funders is the leading membership organization for philanthropy dedicated to rural Texas and a trusted partner and connector for rural communities.
Our Members

An Introduction
Texas Rural Funders is a diverse coalition of more than 40 foundations and organizations working with rural communities to develop and implement solutions to their unique needs.
Some members are small and place-based; some are large and national in scale. We are united in our interest in increasing attention, resources, and collaborative action that strengthens rural Texas.
By working together through Texas Rural Funders, we combine our experience, resources and influence to create a bigger, more systemic impact than any single organization could make alone.
Interested in Membership
What do you value most about TRF membership?
The ability to discuss rural issues with like-minded funders in a collaborative fashion—as opposed to everyone doing their own thing. Also, the ability to raise awareness around specific issues, such as broadband. I appreciate working closely with foundations who focus on different issue areas—brings a new set of partners to our work and we get a more holistic view of rural Texas.
Our Members
- Amarillo Area Foundation
- Anonymous Foundation
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Buena Vista Foundation
- Carl B. & Florence E. King Foundation
- Carl C. Anderson Sr. & Marie Jo Anderson Charitable Foundation
- Community Foundation of Abilene
- Educate Texas
- El Paso Community Foundation
- Energy Foundation
- Episcopal Health Foundation
- Greater Fayette Community Foundation
- Greater Texas Foundation
- H.E. Butt Foundation
- Health Foundation of East Texas
- Hogg Foundation for Mental Health
- Houston Endowment
- Knapp Community Care Foundation
- Lyda Hill Philanthropies
- Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc.
- OneStar
- Permian Basin Area Foundation
- Permian Strategic Partnership
- Prentice Farrar & Alline Ford Brown Foundation
- rootEd Alliance
- San Angelo Area Foundation
- San Antonio Area Foundation
- Shield-Ayres Foundation
- St. David’s Foundation
- Still Water Foundation
- T.L.L. Temple Foundation
- Texas Pioneer Foundation
- Texoma Community Foundation
- The CH Foundation
- The Cynthia & George Mitchell Foundation
- The Mary E. Bivins Foundation
- The Meadows Foundation
- The Moody Foundation
- The Priddy Foundation
- The Stanzel Family Foundation
- Tocker Foundation
- Trellis Foundation
- Trull Foundation
- United Ways of Texas
- Valley Baptist Legacy Foundation
- WoodNext Foundation