
Community Facilities Grant

Funding TypeGrant
Funding Typeloan
Grantor Agency

U.S. Department of Agriculture

Grant RangeLess than $50,000
# of Awards Available
Programmatic AreaCapacity Building
Programmatic AreaCommunity Development
Programmatic AreaWorkforce & Economic Development
Deadline rolling
Match Required?
Match Amount
Eligible EntitiesNonprofits, federally recognized tribes, city or township governments, county governments
Focus AreaConstruct, enlarge, or otherwise improve essential community facilities such as public safety, fire and rescue, telecommunications, schools, libraries, hospitals and other healthcare facilities, etc. This may include furnishings, fixtures, and other required equipment. Facilities must primarily serve rural residents.
ContactLillian Salerno, State Director. Federal Building, Suite 102, 101 South Main Temple, TX 76501. Voice: (254) 742-9700. Fax: (844) 496-8123.
Link to Opportunity
Application PlatformContact state office for application form
CDFA Number
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