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Education: Student Success Reports and Toolkits from Trellis Strategies
Looking for evidence-based recommendations to improve student outcomes? Trellis Strategies has added new student success toolkits in their Research Hub. The toolkits summarize the latest research on student success and provide practical steps for administrators and practitioners.

Training Programs for K-12 Teachers & Higher Education Faculty
WeTeach_CS is an organization that educates, empowers, and inspires K-12 and higher education teachers, administrators, and professional development providers to realize the vision of computer science for all. Sign up for their newsletter to stay updated.

Apply Now for Fall Teacher Programs
Humanities Texas will conduct in-person and online professional development programs for social studies and English language arts teachers.

Inside Higher Ed: A Hopeful First Year for New Texas Funding Model
Texas embraced a new, performance-based funding model for community colleges. A year later, campus leaders believe they are starting to see the rewards.

Texas’ Youngest Students are Struggling with Their Learning, Educators Say
A national study found young children are faring worse academically than their peers before the pandemic. The problem’s scope in Texas is unclear.

Texas College Access Network (TxCAN)
The Texas College Access Network (TxCAN) is an initiative of Educate Texas that connects and supports college access initiatives, with the goal of increasing students’ access to college and certificate programs. Their online tools can help you compare FAFSA submission rates and direct-to-college enrollment rates to other Educational Service Center regions, counties, school districts, and campuses in Texas.

School Locator: Texas College & Career Readiness School Models
The Texas College and Career Readiness School Models (CCRSM) Network supports more than 400 high school campuses across the state plan and implement unique pathway programs to postsecondary education. Use their online School Locator to find participating school models in your region.

Resource Library: Greater Texas Foundation
Searchable library of actionable research by scholars and practitioners that can inform systems change in Texas education. The Greater Texas Foundation also writes its own research briefs to provide timely and succinct information on topics relevant to postsecondary access and student success in our state.

Learnings & Resources: Trellis Foundation
Resource hub sharing literature and program scans, case studies, practical tools and other resources that Trellis Foundation staff and its grant partners have produced about postsecondary education attainment.

Texas Rural College Promise Models Demonstrate Early Impact
First year results from the Texas Rural College Promise were released, showing significant progress on undergraduate enrollment rates across rural North and East Texas.

Regional Data on the Texas Panhandle
High-level data on the state of education, healthcare, and economic opportunity in the Texas Panhandle.

U.S. Program Resource Center: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Online library of educational resources from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's partners and initiatives. Includes reports, infographics, videos, and case studies related to promising programs and strategies education (early learning, K-12, higher education, and teaching), workforce development, and economic mobility.

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas: Job Seekers with Associate Degrees Likely to Benefit from Short-Term Credentials
Many states, including Texas, have recently created initiatives that prioritize short-term credentials—postsecondary programs that take fewer than two years to complete. These initiatives are often designed as an alternative to college and targeted to students who do not have a four-year degree.

Education and Workforce Transformation in Rural Communities Webinar Series
Join Jobs for the Future for a webinar series focused on innovative and promising practices for pathways, education, and workforce development in rural communities. Each 50-minute webinar will provide actionable and equitable strategies that support inclusive economic development and economic advancement for rural residents.

School Finance Toolkit from Raise Your Hand Texas
Raise Your Hand Texas supports public policy solutions that invest in Texas’ 5.4 million public school students. This bilingual toolkit includes videos on school financing that answers questions about Texas school funding, how Texas schools spend their money, and more.

Trellis Foundation: Policy Summit 2024 Recap
The Trellis Foundation's third biennial postsecondary policy summit in Austin, TX, on April 19, 2024, delved into mental health and wellbeing as a strategy for student success.

rootEd Alliance: One Path to Erasing the Rural Counselor Shortage
The rootED Alliance is working to counteract the lack of counselors in rural schools nationwide: forty-eight states are above the recommended ratio of having one for every 250 students, according to the American School Counselor Association.

All Eyes on Texas: Community Colleges Focus on Preparing the Workforce of Tomorrow
This new report from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas examines how the Texas economy is changing and, with it, the state’s need for education and training.

Marfa Students Cultivate Vertical Farming Skills with Classroom Lessons, Village Farms Tour
Marfa students are immersing themselves in the world of vertical farming, blending classroom instruction with firsthand experiences on village farms.

Greenlights Grant Initiative
Greenlights Grant Initiative provides tailored and free resources to assist nationwide school districts access school safety grants.

Rural Community College Excellence: A Guide to Delivering Strong Opportunity for Students and Communities
The guide draws from several sources: data analyses of student outcomes, interviews with college leaders, virtual site visits to high-performing rural colleges, in-person site visits to rural colleges as part of the Aspen Prize process, and convenings of leaders of rural colleges.

Postsecondary National Policy Institute: Rural Students in Higher Education
This resource from Postsecondary National Policy Institute offers data on rural student enrollment in higher education.

Resources for Rural Students: STARS Network
STARS College Network provides resources for students to understand college costs, guides to admissions processes, and offers a community platform.

Collegiate Edu-Nation Announces Historic Partnership with Texas A&M University System to Tackle Rural One Health Crisis
This initiative aims to address the critical One Health Crisis in rural areas of Texas and create a sustainable solution through education and community development.

Free Books for Rural Students through Books Beginning at Birth
Books Beginning at Birth is a statewide program that provides young children and their families with free to books and resources to support the development of early literacy skills and foster a love of reading.

Submit Public Comments: US Dept. of Education Advisory Committees
The Southwest Regional Advisory Committee for the U.S. Department of Education will provide input on federal technical assistance priorities will be reviewing public comments along with other data and resources as part of a needs-sensing process, and they want to hear from you!

Empower Schools
Empower Schools is a nonprofit that partners with communities to develop sustainable solutions that improve student success at school and in life.

Operation Connectivity
Operation Connectivity formed to connect Texas's 5.5 million public school students with an e-learning device and reliable internet sufficient for learning.

Scaling Dual Enrollment in Rural Communities
This case study examines how three rural schools in Texas addressed three challenges rural schools face.

Uvalde CISD Moving Forward Foundation Updates
Uvalde CISD enters the final stretch of the Uvalde Moving Forward campaign to fund the design and construction of Uvalde's new elementary school, with updates to share.

Mapping Community College Finance Systems to Develop Equitable and Effective Finance Policy
For community colleges to reach their full potential as drivers of prosperity and equity, states must create strong, stable, coherent finance systems that enable and incentivize colleges to better meet pressing state interests and student needs.

United Ways of Texas
United Ways in Texas fight for the health, education and financial stability of every person in every community.

Association of Rural Communities in Texas
ARCIT serves small cities and counties in Texas. It offers a strong voice and resource to state and federal government to promote the best practices, policies and programs for rural and small communities, while enhancing the quality of life for all Texans.

Center for Applied Research and Rural Innovation
The Center for Applied Research and Rural Innovation brings faculty and students together with business, industry, education and community partners in dynamic environments.

Texas Partnership for Out of School Time
The Texas Partnership for Out of School Time is a statewide intermediary whose mission is to convene, educate, and advocate to improve the quality and increase the availability of out of school time opportunities for Texas youth.

Commit Partnership
The Commit Partnership is a collective impact organization composed of backbone staff and hundreds of partners across Dallas County and the state of Texas.

Home to Texas
Home to Texas is a scholarship-funded summer program that connects first-year students with internship and research opportunities in their hometown communities.

Rural Matters
Podcast about rural education, business, and health with a mission to increase awareness and expand dialogue on the most important issues facing rural stakeholders.

What Does Being a Rural Teacher Mean to You?
Video featuring rural teachers talking about what being a rural teaching means to them. Created by the National Rural Education Association and Rural Schools Collaborative.

Texas OnCourse
Texas OnCourse Academy offers webinars, tools, and resources to encourage family engagement in schools.

Rural Collaboration Toolkit
Toolkit from Empower Schools offering in-depth resources to ensure rural student and community success.

Rural Transportation: R.E.A.L Transportation
News story about the Rural Economic Assistance League providing free transportation for rural communities to and from college campuses in the Coastal Bend region.