Texas Broadband Pole Replacement Program
Funding TypeGrant
Grantor Agency
Texas Broadband Development Office
Grant RangeUp to 5M
# of Awards Availablevariable
Programmatic AreaBroadband
Deadline September 10, 2024
Match Required?
Match AmountReimbursement awards are limited to the lesser of 50 percent of the eligible pole replacement costs paid or incurred by the applicant or $5,000 per pole plus reasonable administrative costs incurred in completing an application.
Eligible EntitiesPole owners and retail broadband service providers that have incurred costs for replacing poles in eligible areas to affix qualifying broadband facilities
Focus AreaThe Texas Broadband Pole Replacement Program provides reimbursement funds to eligible applicants to expedite the deployment of broadband to individuals in rural areas. Eligible applicants for reimbursement are pole owners and retail broadband service providers that have incurred costs for replacing poles in eligible areas to affix qualifying broadband facilities. Potential applicants for the Pole Replacement Program may request reimbursement for their pole replacement costs up to the lesser of 50 percent of eligible expenses or $5,000 per pole. Eligible replacement costs include any amount paid or incurred by an applicant after Aug. 31, 2021, to: 1) remove or dispose of an existing pole; 2) purchase or install a new replacement pole; and/or 3) transfer any existing facilities to the replacement pole.
ContactJesse Troublefield. Phone: 512-936-5750. Email: bdo.polesnofa@cpa.texas.gov
Link to Opportunityhttps://comptroller.texas.gov/programs/broadband/funding/pole-replacement/
Application Platform
CDFA Number
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