State of Texas Agriculture Relief (STAR) Fund
Funding TypeGrant
Grantor Agency
Texas Department of Agriculture
Grant Range
# of Awards Available
Programmatic AreaAgriculture & Food
Programmatic AreaDisaster Prevention & Relief
Match Required?
Eligible EntitiesAn eligible entity is an agriculture business/operation/ranch/farm located in a county declared a disaster by the Texas Governor.
Focus AreaSTAR Fund money may be used to assist farmers, ranchers, and agribusiness owners in rebuilding fences, restoring operations, and paying for other agricultural disaster relief. If the applicant's county is included in the Texas Governor’s declaration of disaster, they have 90 days from the date of his proclamation to turn in an application. For each future disaster proclamation, TDA and the Texas Agriculture Commissioner will determine if this Program should be activated, as well as specific details including maximum award amounts. Funds are not intended to compensate individuals or businesses for losses incurred, but to assist agriculture producers in cost-sharing some of the unexpected expenses associated with the repair or replacement of items necessary for their agricultural operation. See the application for more information. Verification of the damage caused by the disaster is required prior to TDA disbursing funds. Please include any pictures, certifications or other documentation of the damage.
ContactKat Neilson, Lead Grant Specialist. Phone: (512) 463-6695. Email:
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