Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): Office of Indian Education (OIE) Formula Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Assistance Listing Number (ALN) number 84.060A
Funding TypeGrant
Grantor Agency
U.S. Department of Education
Grant RangeUp to $2,416,936
# of Awards Available
Programmatic AreaEducation
Programmatic AreaYouth & Children
Deadline May 9, 2025
Match Required?
Eligible EntitiesThe following entities are eligible under this program: certain LEAs, as prescribed by ESEA section 6112(b), including charter schools authorized as LEAs under State law; certain schools funded by the Bureau of Indian Education of the U.S. Department of the Interior (BIE), as prescribed by ESEA section 6113(d); Indian Tribes and IOs under certain conditions, as prescribed by ESEA section 6112(c); and ICBOs, as prescribed by ESEA section 6112(d). Consortia of two or more eligible entities are also eligible under certain circumstances, as prescribed by ESEA section 6112(a)(4).
Focus AreaThe Formula Grants program provides grants to support local educational agencies (LEAs), Indian Tribes and organizations, and other eligible entities in developing and implementing elementary and secondary school programs that serve Indian students. These funds must be used to support comprehensive programs that are designed to meet the unique cultural, language, and educational needs of American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) students and ensure that all students meet challenging State academic standards. The information gathered from the project’s final annual performance report (APR) will be utilized to complete OIE’s required annual reporting. Specifically, the APR covers the Secretary’s established performance measures for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of the Formula Grants program as detailed in this notice.
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