
Librarian Professional Development Grant

Funding TypeGrant
Grantor Agency

Tocker Foundation

Grant Range
# of Awards Available
Programmatic AreaArts & Humanities
Programmatic AreaCapacity Building
Programmatic AreaCommunity Development
Programmatic AreaPeople & Places
Deadline January 20, 2025
Match Required?
Match Amount
Eligible EntitiesLibraries in communities in the state of Texas that serve a population of 12,000 or less, according to statistics from the Texas State Library database. County libraries may use the city population rather than the assigned county population when determining eligibility.
Focus AreaProfessional development is crucial for all library staff yet, within the rural library community, distance and limited funding can make it hard to take advantage of opportunities to advance one’s skills. To fill this gap, the Foundation offers select stipends for staff in eligible libraries to attend the Texas Library Association's (TLA) Annual Conference. A one-year TLA membership is included in stipends for small-town library staff. All potential applicants are encouraged to speak with Karin Gerstenhaber, the Director of Grants Management.
ContactKarin Gerstenhaber, Director of Grants Management, (512) 452-1044
Link to Opportunity
Application PlatformFoundant
CDFA Number
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