
FY25 Supporting Law Enforcement Agencies Seeking Accreditation – Community Policing Development Solicitation

Funding TypeGrant
Grantor Agency

U.S. Department of Justice

Grant RangeUp to 250K
# of Awards Available10
Programmatic AreaCapacity Building
Programmatic AreaLaw & Justice
Deadline May 21, 2025
Match Required?
Match Amountn/a
Eligible EntitiesOther: Open to all state, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement agencies.
Focus AreaCommunity Policing Development (CPD) funds are used to develop the capacity of law enforcement to implement community policing strategies by providing guidance on promising practices through the development and testing of innovative strategies; building knowledge about effective practices and outcomes; and supporting new, creative approaches to preventing crime and promoting safe communities. FY24 Supporting Law Enforcement Agencies in Seeking Accreditation program will grant CPD funding directly to state, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement agencies to support costs related to obtaining law enforcement accreditation from an existing accreditation entity.
Link to Opportunity
Application, justgrants
CDFA Number
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