Entergy Micro Grants
Funding TypeGrant
Grantor Agency
Entergy Corporation
Grant RangeUp to $1,000
# of Awards Available
Programmatic AreaArts & Humanities
Programmatic AreaCommunity Development
Programmatic AreaEducation
Programmatic AreaEnergy & Environment
Programmatic AreaWorkforce & Economic Development
Deadline rolling
Match Required?
Eligible EntitiesNonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations; Schools, hospitals, governmental units, and religious institutions that hold nonprofit status similar to that of 501(c)(3) organizations; State or local governments if funds are used for exclusively pubic purposes; Volunteer fire departments that are tax exempt under section 501(c)(4) of the Tax Code; and War-veterans organizations that qualify as 501(c)(19) tax-exempt entities. Applicant must be within Entergy's service area (incl. Texas)
Focus AreaEntergy Micro Grants provide funding for smaller projects/organizations in the areas where Entergy conducts business. Grants may be used for projects that impact: Arts and culture, Community improvement/enrichment, Economic development, Education and literacy, Environment, and Healthy families.
ContactEntergy Texas Contributions Coordinators: Karen Do (kdo@entergy.com) and Corrin Barrow (cbarrow@entergy.com)
Link to Opportunityhttps://www.entergy.com/communities/micro-grants/
Application Platform
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